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ClixtoYou Forum

Paying out

Started by Pistole77 Nov 23rd, 2019 at 15:06
1 replies to this topic
Clix Standard
Posts: 1
Hello, I have just read the max. 50 usd per day and payable every 3 days. But if I have 50 usd balance on the highest upgrade and 15,000 ref. A day, how can I get my money?
skywalker (Admin)
Posts: 31
Quote: Pistole77
Hello, I have just read the max. 50 usd per day and payable every 3 days. But if I have 50 usd balance on the highest upgrade and 15,000 ref. A day, how can I get my money?

On the highest membership (Clix Ultimate) the Max payout Is 300$.
You can request for each 3 days,
And Is processed in 24 hours.
Best regards.
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