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ClixtoYou Forum

Ads Reset Issues

Started by ajit1000 Oct 02nd, 2021 at 03:43
4 replies to this topic
Clix Standard
Posts: 26
Received: $15.87
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My IP hasn't changed since 27th Sep. But every time I have to solve CAPCHA the clicks some how reset and show all the ads again as clickable. However, on clicking them they show i have already seen them. This is making it difficult to distinguish between new and old ads. Please resolve!

Anyone else facing this problem? Remember, a PTC site is all about viewing your available ads. If you can't distiguish between new and old ads then the advt looses money and so do you and eventually your down line/up line suffers too.
« Last Edit: Oct 02nd, 2021 at 12:02 by ajit1000 »
Admin (Admin)
Posts: 247

Probably it´s because you click in all ads ,and then you come back later to see if there is new ads.
But when you come later , your cookie session was expired.
You only need to logout , and login again if you come back later on.
Actualy, everytime that you leave out , you should logout.

best regards
« Last Edit: Oct 02nd, 2021 at 14:42 by Admin »
Clix Standard
Posts: 26
Received: $15.87
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Quote: Admin

Probably it´s because you click in all ads ,and then you come back later to see if there is new ads.
But when you come later , your cookie session was expired.
You only need to logout , and login again if you come back later on.
Actualy, everytime that you leave out , you should logout.

best regards

Thanx Admin! I will try that. This was not an issue earlier, it just started happening recently.
*Nope! didn't work ... just tried it. Went thru the whole process, logout-relogin-capcha-extra ad(to open the other ads)
« Last Edit: Oct 02nd, 2021 at 17:08 by ajit1000 »
Admin (Admin)
Posts: 247

Maybe there is some glitch , when a member come back later.
Our site use a secure conection ( https ) even on the ads page , wich can be the cause of that small issue.
We need to live with that.

best regards
« Last Edit: Oct 02nd, 2021 at 23:19 by Admin »
Clix Standard
Posts: 26
Received: $15.87
Balance: $0.162583
Referrals: 0
Quote: Admin

Maybe there is some glitch , when a member come back later.
Our site use a secure conection ( https ) even on the ads page , wich can be the cause of that small issue.
We need to live with that.

best regards

Thanx Admin! I am trying something different ... leaving the site open in one of the browser tab. Let's see if we have a time out and subsequent ads reset again.
*Nope! Didn't work, now I have to wait till tomorrow for my clicks to really refresh or use my visual judgement to pick and choose the new ads.
« Last Edit: Oct 03rd, 2021 at 02:52 by ajit1000 »
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