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ClixtoYou Forum

ptc ads problems

Started by r218916 Jan 03rd, 2022 at 06:38
1 replies to this topic
Clix Dailly
Posts: 11
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hi admin,
everyday i click on ads and have to do so multiple times for almost every ad i view.
the problem is that i don't get to see anything when clicking an ad, therefore no captcha to click on to validate and most of the time i get a message for "Invalid token, close this page and open a new ad" something along those lines, which is anoying. i get this everyday and am a bit frustrated to have to click and refresh the same ads multiple times. is there a solution for this problem?
i like to click all ads from the site and would love to click the the given amount of ads
for example there are 40 ads, i would like to click 40 ads worth and not click 100+ times with those 40 ads
so please if there is a solution to this problem, can we all share it
hope this is not happening to me alone
invest-earn-profit and repeat
Admin (Admin)
Posts: 247
It seems the issue is on your side.
About recaptcha :

About invalid token :
You only may have One Window open on your browser.
Close all Windows and acess the ads page.
First there is the admin advertisement that you need to solve.
Only after Will the rest of ads showing up.

And please note, there is ads without iframe.
It opens a new Window without capcha.
Because the captcha shows up like a pop on previous One.

If you can not see anything try disable your ads blocker on your browser.

Google Chrome works fine or Edge.
Best regards

« Last Edit: Jan 03rd, 2022 at 21:11 by Admin »
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