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ClixtoYou Forum

Admin pls help!

Started by Calfan01 Aug 21st, 2020 at 12:36
1 replies to this topic
Clix Standard
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Hello Admin!
Is there a problem with the page??
I've been trying to log in to my account for 2 days, but when I go to the ads menu, the system will log me out!
Then I'll log in again and watch the ads again ... and throw them out again!
There were times when the site was logged out immediately after logging in (5 * in a row)

What could be the problem?
I've tried Chrome and Mozilla!
Admin (Admin)
Posts: 252
Quote: Calfan01
Hello Admin!
Is there a problem with the page??
I've been trying to log in to my account for 2 days, but when I go to the ads menu, the system will log me out!
Then I'll log in again and watch the ads again ... and throw them out again!
There were times when the site was logged out immediately after logging in (5 * in a row)

What could be the problem?
I've tried Chrome and Mozilla!

The problem is your IP adress.
The security system thinks that you are having multiaccounts
Just look into you dashboard and see your IP logs.
The sign up IP have a big difference from your last login IP.
Use a Static IP adress,.like the One you sign up.
Best regards
« Last Edit: Aug 21st, 2020 at 15:24 by Admin »
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