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ClixtoYou Forum

little mistake

Started by moneyline Sep 19th, 2020 at 18:44
1 replies to this topic
Clix Standard
Posts: 44
hi admin, you have a little bug.

Every day after logging in and wanting to enter the ads section to perform the captcha and access them, it always appears that the server is disconnected and there is no connection, I have to reload the page or close it and open it again for that If you can enter the announcements area, it is a small bug, but you should take a look to see how it solves it.
Admin (Admin)
Posts: 247
Quote: moneyline
hi admin, you have a little bug.

Every day after logging in and wanting to enter the ads section to perform the captcha and access them, it always appears that the server is disconnected and there is no connection, I have to reload the page or close it and open it again for that If you can enter the announcements area, it is a small bug, but you should take a look to see how it solves it.

Thanks for reporting, it could happens sometimes due some factors.
I tested my self and is working fine on my side.
It could happen again, just refresh the page and it loads normal

Best regards
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