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ClixtoYou Forum

Can't view ads

Started by shakti Sep 23rd, 2020 at 01:23
3 replies to this topic
Clix Standard
Posts: 14
Hello admin,

I am trying to view ads from more than 1 hour. I successfully completed recaptcha many times but can't go to ad page. Previous captcha service was good and this is bad.
Admin (Admin)
Posts: 247

Sorry about the inconvenience, but is not fair for advertisers having bot views and multicliker softwares givin hits on their advertisements.
recaptcha from google is best way for advertisers having clean traffic.
And as this is our business, recaptcha will be here.
Hope you understand

Best regards
Clix Standard
Posts: 14
This is the cheapest captcha service, not the best. That's why more & more site owners love it. Although, they already know that this captcha service is how much problematic for users. This captcha service supports only 3-4 browsers(mainly chrome).
If you still think this is the best captcha service then just do a Google search and you will never say again it "the best".
Admin (Admin)
Posts: 247
Our members problems are Our problems.
That's why we ask for evolution script ,code the latest version in order to we can use the recaptcha version v3, that Will be implemented soon as possible.
The recaptchav3, is less anoying and more eficient.
And those issues Will stop for sure.

Best regards
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