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ClixtoYou Forum


Started by Admin Nov 05th, 2020 at 00:19
7 replies to this topic
Admin (Admin)
Posts: 252

It Seems that there is some issues for some members , that are not able to solve the new captcha in order to acess the ads page.

It´s more Simple then you may think.

The Acess to ads page is protected by the new recaptchaV3, that we implemented after the upgrade of our Script.
You can see that the recaptcha is protecting the acess by looking at the end of the page ( right corner) .

You only need to press the " Give me Acess " buttom.
If you are human and not a bot, the captcha is automatic solved you will have acess to ads page.
Sometimes you need to press the "Give me Acess " buttom 2 or 3 times.
Just refresh the page and look if the recaptcha logo is there.

Please notice, that for the page fully loaded you can see the symbol of clixtoyou ( favicon ) , Steady and fixed.

Here is the image, to you can understand better what was explained above.

Now you can start clicking, do not forget to press on the admin ad first :)

Take care and be safe
« Last Edit: Nov 12th, 2020 at 10:09 by Admin »
Clix Standard
Posts: 29
Hi dear admin,
I can't see the ad today. I click on the "Give me acess" button, the page is refreshed and nothing happens. I've tried so many times.
Check, please

I tried for several hours with no result
« Last Edit: Nov 11th, 2020 at 21:48 by bulatleo »

Admin (Admin)
Posts: 252
Quote: bulatleo
Hi dear admin,
I can't see the ad today. I click on the "Give me acess" button, the page is refreshed and nothing happens. I've tried so many times.
Check, please

I tried for several hours with no result

On my side is working perfectly.
Refresh the page and give 3 seconds.
Then press the give me acess buttom.

Best regards
Clix Standard
Posts: 29
Dear admin,
I've tried this so many times. The page just refreshes and I see this button again and again. I cannot view the ad today. It never happened before.....

Clix Standard
Posts: 7
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ClixtoYou Team.
Admin (Admin)
Posts: 252
Quote: alextrush
Hi admin. I have the same problem. Can I make an alternative to Recatche3?

Did you Gave 5 seconds , and after that pressed the give me acess buttom?
Please notice, that for the page fully loaded you can see the symbol of clixtoyou ( favicon ) , Steady and fixed.

Best regards
« Last Edit: Nov 12th, 2020 at 10:07 by Admin »
Clix Standard
Posts: 5
This user has been banned because of violating the Terms Of Service. All his posts have been deleted.
ClixtoYou Team.
Admin (Admin)
Posts: 252
Quote: GigiMarga
Quote: Admin
It Seems that there is some issues for some members , that are not able to solve the new captcha in order to acess the ads page.
It´s more Simple then you may think.
The Acess to ads page is protected by the new recaptchaV3, that we implemented after the upgrade of our Script.
You can see that the recaptcha is protecting the acess by looking at the end of the page ( right corner) .

You only need to press the " Give me Acess " buttom.
If you are human and not a bot, the captcha is automatic solved you will have acess to ads page.
Sometimes you need to press the "Give me Acess " buttom 2 or 3 times.
Just refresh the page and look if the recaptcha logo is there.
Here is the image, to you can understand better what was explained above.

Now you can start clicking, do not forget to press on the admin ad first :)

Take care and be safe

It is not working.
I tried several hours and nothing.
Please return to Solve Media or mathematics.
Recaptcha is the most problematic system.
You will lose members and votes on eMoneySpace.
Best regards

Recaptcha Will Stay because Will give real hits for advertisers.
Most of members are able to work. As we can see in the statics.
Using a correct IP adress also count .

Best regards
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